Sport – A Career Choice: 1-2-1 with Karina

Welcome to our ‘Sport – A Career Choice Series’, a one-to-one meeting with sport professionals. On a regular basis, we will discuss sport career paths with leaders from the industry, who will share their tips, journeys, backgrounds, experience, ups and downs. At its core, this is an initiative to promote the exciting types of employment opportunities available in the sport environment.


A 1-2-1 with Karina Stiopu


Can you briefly introduce yourself?

I’m a strong basketball enthusiast, eager to take part in developing the Romanian basketball.


Walk me through the step-by-step process that you went through to get to where you are today.

I come from a family of sport lovers, who, I now figure, played a major role in developing my passion for basketball. I remember coming home every year from either kindergarten or school, announcing my parents I had signed up for God-knows-what sport. Be it gymnastics, swimming, judo, karate – they never said no, but always let me experiment and encouraged me to pursue what I was most keen on.


My basketball journey actually began just alike, when, back in 2001, my soon-to-be coach entered my classroom looking to put together a team. I barely knew what this sport was about, but I went home, told my parents I was having my first basketball practice that very day at 8 PM, and that was it. Basketball and I clicked right away, and I knew that was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.


We’re now seventeen years later – basically the rest of my life since the aforementioned event – and I feel beyond happy about still being “partnered-up” with basketball. I’ve given 11 years to playing, 5 to coaching mini-basketball and 6 to officiating, simultaneously graduating from the Polytechnic University of Timișoara with a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration, followed by a master’s in Business Administration (basketball was always conditioned by good results in school, as per my parents). As I was always interested in the BTS of basketball, I’ve worked 3 European Championships and the very first Men’s Basketball World Cup as a volunteer, the latter experience being acknowledged by the NBA who’ve had me work the NBA Global Games 2014 with them.


Being very ambitious, determined not to settle and to strive for more, I’ve spent the last 4 years building on my know-how at both ends – academic and basketball. I’ve taken up different courses with the IOC, the Johann Cruyff Institute, Yonsei University, I’ve graduated the FIBA Academy Master’s Programme, and even worked at Eurobasket 2015 as FIBA external staff, covering the Venue Media Manager Assistant position.


I’ve walked away from all of these indescribable experiences with so much knowledge, it made me extremely aware of the large amount of work still left to be done and the change or the input I have the potential to bring to Romanian basketball. As a consequence, I became who I am today: Team Manager of Basketball Club SCM Timișoara, co-founder and executive VP of a basketball academy and very close to becoming a PMP.


Can you describe the ideal customer of the company you work for?

I see the ideal fan as a person who is loyal, connected, outspoken in a constructive way, a person who would eventually turn into a true ambassador of the team/brand.


What’s the…

  • first tip that comes to your mind if a student who is passionate about sport, but doesn’t have a degree in the industry, came to you for advice?

Sport has developed so much, that now, basically any degree is a ”degree in the industry” – talent works here too. Sport is not just sport anymore, but it’s management, event planning, marketing, operations, logistics, media, entertainment production etc. In my opinion, a passion for sport combined with any degree/talent, all belonging to a young mind is what the industry actually needs.

Therefore, student, be proactive – get involved or ask to be so.


  • most important skill someone should develop to be successful in a career like yours?

I strongly believe that the most important skill someone should develop not only in a career like mine, but in any career and in life too, is effective communication.

We must acknowledge that communication has the power to make or break a team, a sale, a campaign, ultimately a business, as well as avoid, create or solve a problem or a conflict, and we should act accordingly.

I consider that when it comes to communication, there’s a thin line between it being successful or harmful, and its effectiveness lays in details. Knowing when, what, where, with whom and in what form to speak is essential and can sometimes be crucial, but listening carefully, empathising, as well as practicing keeping the w-details in mind can help tackle any situation.



  • first most important thing you would change in the way sport business is done in Romania – something that, if implemented, would initiate the development of sport as a whole?

I would invest a lot more in infrastructure, children and youth centers and in forming kids’ coaches as true educators. It’s not one thing, as required, but three that go hand in hand from where I stand.

I feel that if Romania would, at a national level, direct more resources towards correctly building and developing this trifecta, Romanian sport would bloom, both quantitatively and qualitatively, within a generation.


How has playing basketball professionally helped you become the person you are today?

When I was a child, basketball was home to my friends, to pure joy and passion. It was the place where I ran free and the way I manifested my spirit. It’s why I fell in love with it and never let it go – wise choice, because now I see it is the biggest lesson/help life could have ever given me.


Basketball taught me love. It taught me to commit to my craft, to set goals and dedicate myself to achieving them. It taught me that hard work must be grouped with discipline and balance, in order to make the sacrifice worth it and the effort meaningful – it gave me a clean work ethic. It taught a selfish little girl about fair-play, respect and team-work – three things I now consider values. It taught me leadership and to be confident not only when doing things, but also when taking risks or getting back on my feet right after falling. It gave me strength.


Playing basketball has been a life experience enhancer. I wouldn’t be who I am today without it.



Teodora Busurca

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